
Hardware Components


Arduino Uno

This is used to write the logic that all the controls and sensors interact with the LED strip. This must be powered by 5-12VDC


LED Strip

The WS2812B RGB LED Strip Light is individually addressable using the Arduino Uno and get turn any color of the spectrum using the RGB color codes.


Sound Module

This transducer sound module converts sound vibration into an electrical signal that can be measured raw or through an analyzing envelope.


5V Power Supply

This 5V power supply is capable of outputting up to 2 Amps which is more than enough for the Arduino Uno and 10ft long LED strip. It also comes with a barrel adapter for custom wiring.


Potentiometer / Knobs

(OPTIONAL) These potentiometers give a variable voltage back to the arduino in the form of turn the knob CW and CCW. These are used to determine brightness, sensitivity and color change in the LEDs.


LCD Display Module

(OPTIONAL) This optional display will show you the Brightness and Sensitivity percentage realtime as you turn the adjustment knobs.
